Welcome! This website is devoted entirely to Amateur Radio HF Contesting and passion for DX activity
Welcome to explore the site - have fun and I hope you’ll find it useful..!! Mauro IW9HMQ or IR9P in Contests!
*Web visitor resources page.
*For Community Contest!!
Contest of greatest interest: January 2025*YB DX Contest
*ARRL RTTY Roundup Contest
*DARC 10-METER Contest
*Malasya DX Contest
*UBA DX SSB Contest
*CQ 160-METER CW Contest
*REF CW Contest
CW Contest Activity Calendar 12 Month 2025
**Click to Enter**
*Clipperton DX Club history and tradition since 1978 to promote dxpeditions
*Feature Articles: *January 2025*
*RTTY and DIGITAL mode Contesting
*Previous Contest Operations by NG3K
ON4UN SK*ON4WW Guide to Dxing and Contesting
*CQ Bande Basse Italia by MDXC
*Practical Contest Station Coax and Connectors
*I venti e le antenne by IW9HMQ
*Contest Software QARTest by IK3QAR
*Contest Team PA6Y
*Super Contest Station ZM4T
WW.Patagonia Contest 2024
*Win-Test : The definitive Contest Software
*Strategy for DX & Contest by K5ZD
Contesting News!
*WRTC 2022 Italy Bologna PostPoned 2023!!
The 6Y1V Contest station fm Jamaica*Contest Group fm Finland OH8X *WRTC 2022 K1LZ donates all Antennas for WRTC
*History WRTC*
*1990 WRTC - Seattle USA Winning team:
K1AR & K1DG*
1996 WRTC - San Francisco Winning team: N5TJ & K1TO*
2000 WRTC - Bled, Slovenia Winning team: N5TJ & K1TO*
2002 WRTC - Finland Winning team: N5TJ & K1TO*2006 WRTC - Brazil Winning team:
VE3EJ & VE7ZO*2010 WRTC - Moscow, Winning team:
RW1AC & RA1AIP*2014 WRTC - USA Winning team
K1DG & K5ZD*2018 WRTC - Germany Winning team:
LY9A & LY4L*2022/23 WRTC - Italy: I4AW & I43C & I49D
*2026 WRTC:
*Contest University CTU Articles
W3LPL: 60 YEARS of Competitive Contesting *K1DG: How to Recruit New Contesters*K
2YWE: Contest Operating Best Practices*K3LR: Contesting and Station Optimization
*W5ZN: FT8 and the WSJT-X Suite for 6 Meter Contest
K5ZD: Contesting with Integrity
*Contest Superstation
K3LR This station is active in the weekly Pensylvania emergency response network- http://www.k3lr.com on consecutive years of winning the USA M/M category in the CQWW DX Phone Contest..!
*Contest Team
LY0HQ*Contest Team KC1XX
*Contest Team
D4C *Contest Group Grande Mesa *Contest Group DR1A *Contest Station KH7XS
Here's your chance to own a superstation in paradise. Work never ending pileups from a world class battle proven contest station. Oceania's loudest station is available for you to DX, contest or just ragchew around the world. Nestled on the slopes of Mauna Kea at the 900 foot level with huge drop offs, the station is ideally located to put out S-9 plus signals all over the world
*Contest Group W5KFT The W5KFT Ranch Station is located on the western shore of Lake Buchanan in the Texas Hill Country. The station is optimized for DX and domestic HF contests. It is best suited to the SO2R, M/S, and M/2 categories. The station has been operational on CW, Phone, and RTTY, as well as some VHF/UHF contests.*Contest Team IO5O
Un Team rivelazione formato da un team di Amici della Zona 5
IK5RLP IK5ROS IK5YJY IK5SFT IK5ZUL IZ5EME: http://www.io5o.net
*KANSAS City DX Club
Home of the Annual Dayton CW Pileup Competition
ROMAGNA Contest Team IR4MUn Team tutto Italiano. Il nominativo IR4M è un nominativo speciale assegnato ai membri del
"Romagna Contest Team" un gruppo di radioamatori con la passione per i collegamenti radio e che hanno voluto provare ed unire le forze per realizzare un team per operare sulle bande HF e fare sperimentazione radiantistica.. Il Team è formato da: I4IFL IVANO IK4HVR FRANCESCO IK4GMP FULVIO IK4MGX DAVIDE IK4SXJ PIERANGELO http://www.ir4m.it